Toronto Roubina Chapter History
The establishment of the Toronto Roubina Chapter is strongly tied to the Georgetown Boys flee from the genocide and their arrival to Canada in July of 1923.
The chapter was formally founded December 19, 1929 with founding members: Vergine Garabedian, Shamiram Sdepanian, Rose Arakelian, Yerchanig Seferian, Araxi Bdoukian. After a period of inactivity, the chapter was re-established November 14, 1963, with the support of ARF Soghmon Tehiliran executive committee. The first Executive Committee members were: Abajian Azniv, Abajian Gassia, Artinian Nanig-Sona, Kololian Armenouhi, Kouyoumjian Yepraxé, Manougian Haygouhi, Nalbandian Arousiag.
The ARS Armenian Day School is the pride of the community, where ARS Roubina chapter also sponsors scholarships to graduating classes every year. Today, with the great devotion of its members, the chapter serves the community through numerous streams, and continuously makes an impact on many lives. These include annual events, fundraisers, conventions, seminars, and several other benevolent initiatives that benefit those in need locally as well abroad.