Laval Shoushi Chapter History

The ARS Canada Regional Executive took the initiative to found the Laval “Shoushi Chapter” on June 14, 1993 as the Laval Armenian Community was formally established. The first executive committee was: Shoushan Ajemian, Hermine Manougian, Sirarpi Mandalian, Anahid Minassian, Aghavni Der Atamian, Jojo Bedrossian and Lena Khacherian  (took over after resignation of Seta Topouzian).

The executive committee quickly formalized subcommittees and began working on many initiatives.

The Laval Shoushi chapter has supported the local community and their needs, and continuously gone beyond the borders to wherever their help was needed.  Their initiatives have included, care for elders and those who are ill, fundraising events and seminars to both educate and benefit the many causes of ARS – locally and abroad. Today, the Laval chapter continues their meaningful work, and moulds their initiatives to wherever there is a need.