ARS Toronto Roubina Chapter Seminar on Empowering Women and Networking and Personal Growth


On the morning of May 27th, 2023, the ARS: Inspire + Connect + Empower committee (ARS: ICE committee) hosted an exciting seminar that brought together over 50 women from our Toronto Armenian community for an empowering morning of learning, networking, and personal growth.

Ungerouhie, Alik Farra, co-chair of this committee, welcomed the attendees and spoke about Armenian Relief Society and “Roubina” chapter and the incredible work that these organization do in Toronto, Canada, and around the world. Ungh. Alik also spoke about ARS: ICE committee’s mission and goals, then introduced the presenter, ungh. Natalie Gokchenian.

Ungh. Natalie Gokchenian provided an overview of the influential book, “The Well-Spoken Woman” in an engaging and a fun way. This book equips women with necessary skills to effectively communicate and present themselves with confidence both in their personal and professional lives. This event offered an interactive session to empower women from diverse backgrounds to come together to learn, to ask questions and to share their own experiences.

Ungh. Hasmig Zarokian, co-chair of the committee closed off the morning by thanking ungh. Natalie for her excellent presentation and thanked the attendees for their participation. She shared with them the committee’s plans for upcoming events and encouraged them to attend and support.

Attendees left feeling more confident and empowered to be well spoken women. Each attendee also received a copy of the book, “The Well-Spoken Woman” by Christine K. Jahnke. This event created a strong sense of community and an opportunity to create new friendships and support within an enriching and empowering environment.

The ARS: ICE committee, a committee of ARS Toronto “Roubina” chapter, has the goal of inspiring, connecting and empowering women within the Toronto Armenian community. The committee aims to nurture personal and professional development, foster strong relationships, extend outreach to

those in need, and promote a deep cultural connections among Armenian women. The seminar exemplified the committee’s commitment to these goals

Over the coming months the committee is planning a series of exciting educational and professional events which will uplift the participants to continue being inspired, connected to each other and empowered. Stay Tuned!


For More Info please visit the site:


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