ARS Montreal Sosse Chapter – Summer Outings 2019
Summertime coincides with the highlight of our Social Club’s activities.
Our members impatiently look forward to this season to participate to the different outings organized by our Social Club committee, to visit various places in Quebec and Ontario. Weeks ahead, our committee members schedule each trip and reserve the transportation, as well as any accommodations, if needed. During the coach rides, coffee and pastries are always served. Participants are involved in singing, storytelling, and games. These outings have become very popular that, sometimes, two coach buses are needed.
In the summer of 2019, our Social Club’s outings included visits to Thousand Islands, Sainte-Anne- de-Beaupré, Montmorency Falls, Chambly, Saint Zotique beach, Niagara Falls, pilgrimage to Cambridge on the occasion of the Exaltation of Holy Cross.