9 events found.
Montreal - Sosse
ARS Montreal Sosse Chapter Organizes Workshop “Empowerment Through Communication”
Ecole Armenienne Sourp Hagop 3400 Rue Nadon, Montréal, Quebec, CanadaRegistration link: https://forms.gle/rsCye1JVBPTRKPPv9 Please e-transfer your $30 participation fee to sosse.comptable@gmail.com and indicate Empower22 in the comment section
ARS Montreal Sosse Chapter General Meeting
ARMENIAN COMMUNITY CENTER OF MONTREAL 3401 Olivar-Asselin, Montreal, Quebec, CanadaARS Canada Online Auction Fundraiser for Artsakh Families
Virtual On-line"Help Artsakh" in a live online auction initiative launched to help raise funds for the Artsakh families. Together with ARS Canada, we will launch a live online auction on December […]
ARS Montreal Sosse Chapter’s Childrens Christmas Party 2023
ARMENIAN COMMUNITY CENTER OF MONTREAL 3401 Olivar-Asselin, Montreal, Quebec, CanadaArmenian Christmas on December 3 - Հայկական Կաղանդ Դեկտեմբեր 3 ֎ Get your tickets early! You can pass by on Fridays at @_accmontreal between 5-8pm or call Nairy at (514) […]